I almost returned without even opening but I'm glad I tried it. now I love it and decided to keep it! First off, I am 5'3” 100 lbs. Assembly was easy, probably don't even need the instructions, but follow them anyways! The frame is all metal, and super sturdy, even with the shelves on. The shelves are particle board, feels like a good kind though. When fully assembled it doesn't wiggle nor budge, it is super sturdy. The wheels have light grip, 2 of the 4 have breaks, and are also great quality. Overall you can move this around easily. I only had trouble lowering it, seems that you have to raise it all the way up and then it'll slide back down; maybe not all, but mine does. This mobile/adjustable station works for really tall people too! The extra shelves at foot and knee height are pretty handy for extra stuff like books, water bottle, etc. I personally use mine for work and study and it's made both more enjoyable 😁